I offer flexible levels of podcast editing services to help you improve your podcast while leaving you more time to focus on what you're best at, creating content.
Audio Post ProductionPodcast assembly and mixing (Adding intro/outro music)
Remove background noise and humm Even out audio levels between hosts/guests Bring all audio up to industry standard loudness levels $50 per episode |
Standard Podcast EditingAudio Processing +
Make any requested content cuts* Quick check for excessive crutch words ( so, uh, um, like) $75 for first 30 min of raw audio+
Advanced EditingAudio Processing + Standard editing +
Detailed removal of all crutch words possible** $100 for first 30 min of raw audio+
* I do not make any edits to the content of any podcast beyond what is explicitly stated by the host/producer.
** When an edit cannot be made without damaging the surrounding audio, preservation of audio quality is top priority over crutch word removal.
** When an edit cannot be made without damaging the surrounding audio, preservation of audio quality is top priority over crutch word removal.